Network inventory cloud-based vs on-premise

November 25, 2021

Network Inventory Management - A Key Component To Network Management

Managing an organization's network inventory is a vital task that ensures optimal performance, security, and compliance. It provides insight into the number of assets and network components, their physical or virtual location, and their status, facilitating better decision-making. However, the question remains: should you choose a cloud-based or on-premise solution?

Cloud-based Network Inventory Management

Cloud-based network inventory management is a solution that uses cloud technology, allowing access to the system via the internet. It provides flexibility, scalability, automatic updates, and improved data recovery options. Moreover, cloud-based inventory management typically has a lower initial investment, has subscription-based models that can more accurately align with company growth and operating costs.

On-premise Network Inventory Management

On the other hand, on-premise inventory management is a network inventory management system that employs local tools and servers, utilizing company resources to maintain the infrastructure. It provides full control over security and data, minimizing downtime and increasing stability. However, the upfront costs for hardware, software, and maintenance are relatively high and scaling the system is more complicated.


Let's explore some key comparisons between these two systems:

  • Costs: Cloud-based systems have a lower initial investment, as you can subscribe to the system monthly and pay only for what you need. On-premise systems have high initial costs, as you need to purchase hardware, software, and licenses. Additionally, on-premise systems require additional resources, including IT professionals, to manage the system, perform upgrades, and resolve issues.

  • Scalability: Cloud-based inventory management solutions are more easily scalable due to the ease of adding and removing users and data storage capabilities as needed. On-premise systems may require significant hardware and software investments when reaching their limit for growth, limiting scalability to a certain point.

  • Performance: On-premise solutions have less downtime, faster connection speeds, and higher processing power. However, cloud-based inventory management systems provide location-independent access, automatic software updates, and redundancy options that on-premise solutions cannot match.

  • Security: On-premise solutions have more robust security, as it is exclusively managed by in-house IT professionals, and data is not exposed to external network vulnerabilities. Cloud-based invetory systems store data in servers outside of the company and have multiple security layers and backup options in place to mitigate vulnerabilities.


When considering which type of network inventory management system to choose, consider your organization's unique needs. If you are a small business with a limited budget and limited IT staff or a rapidly growing business that's expanding quickly, cloud-based inventory management would be the better option. However, if you have a large and complex network with sensitive data with established policies and high-security standards, an on-premise system would be a better investment. In the end, the right system will reduce costs, ensure efficiency and security, and allow you to make informed decisions that help grow your business.


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